Sunday, September 21, 2008

SEO 20-20 Vision

Do you have SEO 20/20 vision? Charles does. I'm catching on partly because of Charles Heflin but he is not the only one helping me. What if he's a little too difficult at first? What should you do? Well hang in there with Charles and add one more teacher...

His name is Mike. I can truly recommend Mike because I am just a few months out from adding Mike to my list of people to help me and guess what? I'm finally getting traffic and free targeted leads every single day. I even had to send an email to the people on my list that haven't taken my advice to say "Friends, I'm swamped with leads all of a sudden and if it lasts, the only ones receiving my coaching emails from now on are those that learn from Mike with me." Or something like that.

The point is, I can now, after studying with Charles Heflin, Mike Dillard and Ann Sieg, just to name a few. I can now with experience say that I know what it's like to wake up every morning with at least one and often two new targeted leads every day because of one Mike - Mike Klingler.

Have you heard of him? He is the founder of Renegade University. He's the one with SEO 20/20 vision. All my other teachers have been great. Those I named above and many that I haven't named. But I can now say without a doubt, that if I had found Mike Klingler first and just learned from him and him only, I'd be wealthy by now.

Does that sound like hype? OK, then, let me rephrase it a little. Enrolling in Renegade University and following the video tutorials step by step, click by click, provided daily traffic and daily leads mainly because Mike Klingler got me into massive action.

I was the study wrong action crowd. There is also a massive action no study crowd. Neither creates wealth. You have to study, act, then study,act, etc. In that order OR (and here's a big clue) OR you can study and act simultaneously and cut in have the time it takes to get extra income and eventually create wealth.

Learning with Mike Klingler you see one, do one. See one click, do one click. The really awesome thing is that people learning with Mike Klingler click by click start getting targeted traffic and free leads without getting it. People who haven't ever heard of SEO, do it click by click with Mike and guess what? Money, extra money.

People who have never heard of monetization start learning internet marketing from Mike Klingler and guess what? Money, extra money. I could go on and on. Of course, sooner, not later, Mike Klingler's students do not just get their checks, they also get SEO.

Learn SEO techniques and much more at Renegade University.

Terri Stallcop enjoys Web 2.0 Marketing, building much of her MLM business online. She teaches others to do the same, 15 minutes at a time. For your first 15 minute free consult, call (918) 830-6900. For email consulting, write

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